Balamb Gardens growing for profit,microgreens,Top 5 microgreens Top 5 Microgreens to Grow for Profit

Top 5 Microgreens to Grow for Profit

Microgreens are tiny vegetables with the age of 10 to 12 days. They are dense in nutrients, and people, across the world, are now growing them commercially. There are several microgreens to grow for profit because local restaurants or chefs always search for them to prepare delicious and nutrient-enriched dishes. You can use soil or hydroponic system to grow these tiny vegetables. You can sell them at a reasonable price in the local markets, or in restaurants.

Best 5 Microgreens to Grow for Profit

Here are the top 5 microgreens that people love to grow in their gardens. Anyone can also grow them in the kitchen or in the balcony. Some of them require soil as a growing medium, and some require water as the growing medium. You can easily grow these microgreens for profit –

  1. Broccoli Microgreens

These are the best microgreens to grow for profit because of its high demand and reasonable selling price. These microgreens are not only profitable but also nutrient-enriched. Studies show that the mineral concentration in broccoli microgreens are very high (Weber, 2017).

  • You don’t need to soak the seeds.
  • You need to keep the seeds moist.
  • The seeds may take maximum 2 days to germinate.
  • You can easily harvest them in 6 to 14 days.
  • These microgreens have a slight bitter taste.

Figure 1: Broccoli Microgreens.

  1. Radish Microgreens

Radish microgreens are another species of microgreens that are profitable. Experiments reveal that radish microgreens contain higher levels of the most essential and vital nutrients (Warner, 2012). Some people regard these microgreens as the best microgreens to grow for profit.

  • These microgreens like to be grown in a hydroponic system.
  • You don’t have to soak them.
  • Seeds may take maximum to 2 days to germinate.
  • You can easily harvest them within 5 to 12 days.
  • These microgreens are slightly crunchy and have a radish flavor.

Figure 2: Radish Microgreens.

  1. Lettuce Microgreens

Lettuce microgreens can be a wonderful addition in your tray. These microgreens are very easy to grow, and you can make a good amount of money from these microgreens. Lettuce microgreens contain high vitamin A and antioxidants (Weber, 2016).

  • You can use soil as a growing system.
  • Don’t pre-soak the seeds for germination.
  • Germination may take place within 2 days (maximum).
  • You can harvest lettuce microgreens after 8 to 12 days.
  • It is better to use these microgreens in the salad to make it tastier.

Figure 3: Lettuce Microgreens.

  1. Beet Microgreens

Beet microgreens have higher demand, and you can sell these tiny vegetables at a decent amount. You can grow these microgreens for profit. These tiny and edible microgreens are rich in antioxidants and beneficial nutrients.

  • These microgreens love to be grown in soils.
  • Before planting the seeds, you need to pre-soak them for 12 hours in cold water.
  • Seeds will take 3 or 4 days to germinate.
  • You can harvest these beautiful tiny vegetables after 8 to 12 days.
  • They taste like a mixture of spinach and root beets.

Figure 4: Beet Microgreens.

  1. Alfalfa Microgreens

These microgreens are not only nutritious but also, they are very demanding. These microgreens are high in vitamin K and lower cholesterol. Many people are now taking these microgreens as medicinal purposes (Sky, 2018).

  • You can grow alfalfa microgreens hydroponically.
  • You don’t have to pre-soak the seeds.
  • Seeds germination will occur within 2 days.
  • Harvest these microgreens after 10 days.
  • They have greenish leaves and have a mild flavor.

Figure 5: Alfalfa Microgreens.

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