Balamb Gardens guide to growing What Is Hydroponics – Types of Hydroponic Methods

What Is Hydroponics – Types of Hydroponic Methods

What is Hydroponics? 

Hydroponics is a kind of horticulture, and people use this method to grow plants, crops, flowers, and herbs in soilless culture. In hydroponics, nutrient-rich water is used to grow plants. The solution contains the available nutrients, which plants can instantly uptake and enhance their growth. Farmers are now using this growing system for commercial purposes. People who live in urban areas can grow their favorite plants in a hydroponic system, and some of them are successfully running a hydroponic business. 

Growing plants in hydroponic solution will require substrates like clay aggregate, coconut coir, Perlite, Vermiculite, rice husks, and so on. These materials are porous and can conduct water by capillary action to the plants. Growing plants in hydroponics are so easy that anyone can do it in his/her home. 

Types of Hydroponic Culture 

If you are intending to set up a basic hydroponic culture, you can easily do that. However, there are advanced types of hydroponic cultures, such as – 

  1. Deep water culture systems 
  1. Wick systems 
  1. Nutrient film technique 
  1. Ebb and flow systems 
  1. Drip systems 
  1. Aeroponics 

Figure 1: Hydroponic culture – Hydroponics – Hydroponic Business 

To start a hydroponic business, you should have sufficient knowledge about each of these hydroponics systems. Each of these hydroponic systems has unique advantages and disadvantages. In this post, we will mention all the advantages and disadvantages of each hydroponic system. If you are planning to start a hydroponic business, these points will surely help you. 

  1. Deep water culture systems 


  • Low installation cost 
  • Low maintenance 
  • Excellent for the beginners 


  • Good for fast-growing plants 
  • The temperature should be controlled carefully 
  1. Wick systems 


  • Excellent for the beginners 
  • Simple 
  • Space-efficient 


  • An ideal system for fast-growing plants 
  • Risk of fungal outbreaks 
  1. Nutrient film technique (NFT) 


  • Highly-efficient 
  • Can be used for commercial purpose 
  • Maintain a constant flow of water 
  • Good for all plants 
  • A higher yield can be obtained 


  • Risk of pump failure 
  • Not for the beginners 
  1. Ebb and flow systems 


  • Larger plants can be grown 
  • A high yield can be obtained 
  • Easy to construct 


  • Little expensive compared to the others 
  • Pump failure can happen 
  1. Drip systems 


  • Several varieties of plants can be grown 
  • Supports large scale of hydroponic operations at a time 
  • Supports large root systems 


  • High maintenance is required 
  • Complex system 
  1. Aeroponics 


  • Oxygen surplus 
  • Eco-friendly and customizable hydroponic system 
  • Root diseases can be prevented easily 


  • Expensive compared to others 
  • Maintenance is needed 

These are the common six hydroponic systems, which are used mostly in the hydroponic business. Among them, the Wick system and Deep water system are regarded as the best method for the beginners. All these hydroponic systems work efficiently, and they can enhance the growth rate of the plants by supplying water-soluble nutrients. In addition to all these benefits, one can also prevent the plants from the invasion of pests or animals. Anyone can set up any of these systems in his/her house and can operate a successful hydroponic business. 

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