Balamb Gardens growing for profit,guide to growing,hydroponics Benefits of Growing Hydroponics Vertically

Benefits of Growing Hydroponics Vertically

Hydroponics is a process of growing crops in water, in which nutrients are dissolved to make them water-soluble. These nutrients are in available forms in the water, and the plants can uptake them instantly. Hydroponics can be grown vertically if someone doesn’t have sufficient space to grow them. People in urban areas can easily grow hydroponics vertically because in urban areas, they don’t have proper space or garden to grow plants. 

What is vertical hydroponics? 

Vertical hydroponics is growing crops in hydroponic solution in several stacked levels. These hydroponics systems are also known as vertical hydroponic systems, tower gardens or tower hydroponics. The practice of growing vertical hydroponics is nothing new. In fact, many people are doing it in their home or rooftops. 

To grow hydroponics vertically, you will have to follow the vertical fashion. There are several benefits of growing hydroponics vertically. 

How does a vertical hydroponic system work? 

There are several hydroponic systems, including nutrient film technique (NFT) and the ebb and flow hydroponic system. NFT is preferred by most of the people as it is very easy to set up. Using nutrient film technique is a perfect choice to grow plants vertically because it is a closed system, in which water keeps flowing continuously and supplies nutrients to the plants. 

In the vertical hydroponic system, there should be a motor at the bottom that will maintain the circulation of water. Water will flow to all the PVC pipes, its main section and subsection. To place the plants on the pipe, small holes are made by the drillers. 

What are the benefits of growing hydroponics vertically? 

  1. Small area greater yield 

This is the first and yet one of the most important benefits of growing hydroponics vertically. One can easily obtain a higher yield by vertical farming. In hydroponics, there is no need to have a huge arable land. This vertical growing system can help anyone to get more vegetables or fruits within a small space. 

Vertical hydroponics.jpg

Figure 1: Benefits of Growing Hydroponics Vertically 

  1. No soil is required 

Growing vertical hydroponics doesn’t require any soil or growing medium because in this case, the flowing water will supply the nutrients to the plants. Besides, the lack of soil will minimize the weeds or pest problem. You will only need the PVC pipes and motor to set up the system. 

  1. Less wastes and maintenance 

Vertical hydroponics doesn’t generate wastes because it is installed in a closed system. Usually, experts recommend nutrient film technique to set up vertical hydroponics. Since the water keeps circulating throughout the system, there is no runoff. As a result, you don’t have to be anxious about the loss of nutrients. 

  1. Efficient and productive 

Vertical hydroponic is the most efficient system because the roots can uptake the essential nutrients in available forms. In addition, the nutrients stay in water-soluble form in the hydroponic solution. This system increases the growth rate of the plants. One can also increase growth by adding the right amount of nutrients in the solution. 


These are the most important benefits of growing hydroponics vertically. Vertical hydroponics will reduce the labor cost, weeds problem, and will increase efficiency and productivity. Vertical hydroponics can be a great option for the beginners to grow vegetables/crops/fruits or other plants hydroponically. 

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