Balamb Gardens guide to growing,hydroponics Best 5 Vegetables to Grow Hydroponically at Home

Best 5 Vegetables to Grow Hydroponically at Home

Hydroponics is becoming a common and popular method of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, and even crops. Farmers are now growing these plants to make profits. The hydroponic system doesn’t require a larger space, that’s why people in urban areas are now growing vegetables to meet up their basic needs. There are lots of vegetables to grow hydroponically, and one can easily grow any of them at his/her home. 

Top Vegetables to Grow Hydroponically 

These are the vegetables that you can grow hydroponically at your home. 

  1. Lettuce 

Lettuce can be a perfect addition in the sandwich, and it is a common vegetable to grow hydroponically. Growing lettuce is a great vegetable to start a hydroponic culture at home. People prefer growing this vegetable in a hydroponic system because lettuce demands lots of water and can be grown easily. Lettuce contains phytonutrients and other disease-preventing properties. These vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. 

  • Favorable hydroponic system: Nutrient film technique, Aeroponics, Ebb and Flow, Deep water system 
  • Favorable temperature: Cool 
  • pH: 6-7 
Lettuce hydroponics.jpg

Figure 1: Lettuce hydroponics 

  1. Tomatoes 

This is another vegetable that can be grown hydroponically, and farmers are growing tons of tomatoes within a small space vertically. Botanically, people call tomatoes as fruits, but most people in the market regard this as vegetables. To grow tomatoes, you will need a lot of light. Tomatoes are ideal for growing within a small space, and anyone can grow them all year long by providing sufficient light and favorable condition. 

  • Favorable hydroponic system: Nutrient film technique, Deep Water system, Wick system, Ebb and flow system 
  • Favorable temperature: Hot 
  • Preferred pH: 5.5-6.5 
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Figure 2: Hydroponically grown tomatoes 

  1. Cucumbers 

These are one of the most common and popular plants to grow at home, and farmers are now growing them in greenhouses. Cucumbers have a rapid growth. If you can provide these vegetables with sufficient light and temperature, they will grow a lot. Cucumbers are rich in sodium, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. In addition, you can get rid of excessive cholesterol from your body. 

  • Favorable hydroponic system: Nutrient film technique, Aeroponics, Deep Water system, Ebb and flow system 
  • Favorable temperature: Hot 
  • Preferred pH: 5.5-6 
Cucumber to grow hydroponically.jpg

Figure 3: Grow cucumber hydroponically at home 

  1. Mints 

If you are looking for any vegetables to start as an experiment, mint will be the best choice. The growth rate of these vegetables is extremely high. You can start with the cuttings or the seeds of the mints. The refreshing aroma of the mints can enhance the taste and flavor of beverages or foods. The roots of these plants spread very quickly, and they can be an ideal plant to grow hydroponically. 

  • Favorable hydroponic system: Wick system, Deep water system, Ebb and flow system, Nutrient flow technique 
  • Favorable temperature: Warm 
  • Preferred pH: 5.5-6.5 
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Figure 4: Grow mints hydroponically at home 

  1. Spinaches 

It is an alternative vegetable of lettuce. One can grow these vegetables well in a hydroponic system. Like lettuce vegetables, these plants grow faster. Besides, these are extremely healthy and leafy. Spinaches are full of antioxidants and provide protein, iron, zinc, necessary vitamins, as well as minerals. One can eat these vegetables raw. These plants require too much light to thrive well. 

  • Favorable hydroponic system: Nutrient film technique, Ebb and flow system, Deep Water system 
  • Favorable temperature: Cool to warm 
  • Preferred pH: 6-7 
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Figure 5: Grow spinach hydroponically 


These are the most common vegetables to grow hydroponically at home. Lots of people and farmers are growing these vegetables in hydroponic solution, and they are obtaining a great yield from it. 

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