Balamb Gardens hydroponics Top 5 Flowers to Grow Hydroponically

Top 5 Flowers to Grow Hydroponically

Gardeners and flower cultivars are now growing flowers hydroponically as it takes less effort than growing in soil. Besides, plants take water-soluble nutrients from a hydroponic solution easily compared to soil. There are many flowers to grow hydroponically, and people living in urban areas are growing the best hydroponic flowers in their kitchen or in the balcony without using soil. Hydroponic culture will require less time, and you will get benefitted in many ways. 

In this post, we will make a list of the best flowers to grow hydroponically. 

Flowers to Grow Hydroponically 

  1. Hoya 

These flowers are one of the most attractive and best hydroponic flowers. These flowers have a star shape and are very soft. Hoya doesn’t require much maintenance, so anyone can grow these flowers easily. There are approximately 200 species of Hoya, and each of them boasts their unique shapes and colors. To grow them, place the plants in a porous growing medium using stones, coconut coir, compost, vermiculite, etc. These materials will suck the water by capillary action, and the plants will receive the water and nutrients. 

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Figure 1: Hoya flower to grow hydroponically 

  1. Peace Lilies 

Peace lily is the most common and one of the most favorite indoor plants. This beautiful flower can be grown hydroponically as well. The plants have greenish leaves and whitish flowers. You should avoid using too much water while growing Peace Lilies hydroponically. These flowers prefer a temperature of 68 to 80-degree Fahrenheit. Make sure that the leaves are clean, as it will reduce the risk. These beautiful flowers have the capacity to purify the air by absorbing toxic substances. 

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Figure 2: Peace lily flower to grow hydroponically 

  1. Snapdragons 

This flower is one of the best hydroponic flowers. Due to their vibrant colors, these flowers are very popular. In addition, they have a dragon-like mouth. Remember, while growing these flowers in hydroponic culture, try to use Perlite as the growing medium. These materials will provide enough support and will hold them firm. These flowers will require proper watering, but you should never let the stand in moist conditions. Try to maintain the pH level between 6.2 and 7. 

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Figure 3: Snapdragon flower for hydroponics 

  1. Carnations 

These are also regarded as the best hydroponic flowers, which are very easy to grow in hydroponic systems. These days, lots of people are growing these flowers for making profit because these flowers are widely used for indoor decorations. The petals have an amazing aroma, and their presence makes a room quite fascinating. In addition to this, the leaves of this plant are edible and are sweet in taste. Hydroponic solution can speed up propagation and growth. 

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Figure 4: Carnation flower to grow hydroponically 

  1. Dahlias 

Dahlias are extremely beautiful flowers, and they are closely related to flowers like zinnia daisies, sunflowers. While growing these flowers in hydroponic system, make sure there is sufficient space between two plants. The minimum depth of the container should be about 12 inches. Growing Dahlias in hydroponic system will require efforts. These plants need lots of light, and you will have to change the water every 2 days to keep them fresh. Try to maintain the temperature between 60 and 72-degree Fahrenheit. 

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Figure 5: Dahlias to grow hydroponically 


These are the top five flowers to grow hydroponically. You can grow these flowers for commercial purposes or as a hobby. Growing flowers in hydroponic culture require a bit more effort compared to fruits or vegetables, but anyone can successfully do it. 

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