Balamb Gardens hydroponics Medium Hydroponic Systems to Set up at Your Home

Medium Hydroponic Systems to Set up at Your Home

Hydroponic is becoming a very popular system for growing plants in a small area. Lots of people in urban areas are now using hydroponics system to grow their plants because, in urban areas, it is not so easy to get sufficient space to set up a farm. Farmers generally use the medium hydroponic system as they want bigger yield. This system is highly advantageous because one can grow lots of plants or vegetables within a small space. Even people are now cultivating fruits and flowers to decorate their interior. 

Medium Hydroponic System 

There are several hydroponic systems to grow plants and crops. The major six hydroponic systems are – 

  • Wick system 
  • Deep water system 
  • Ebb and flow system 
  • Nutrient film technique 
  • Drip system 
  • Aeroponics 

Among them, wick and deep water system are regarded as the small hydroponic system, while the rest four systems are considered medium hydroponic system. In this article, we will only explain all the medium systems, and how can anyone set up any of it easily at his/her home. 

  1. Nutrient film technique (NFT) 

NFT is often called as the best hydroponic system for growing any plants. In this system, water circulation is maintained across the entire set up. At the bottom, a reservoir is set up, which has a mixture of hydroponic solution. The oxygen level is maintained in the reservoir by an air pump. This hydroponic system is not like the wick or deep water system. The root systems are generally exposed, and the tips of the roots uptake the water. This system ensures the availability of oxygen in the system. 

It is true that the entire system recycles the water again and again, but it will be a wise decision to change the water and add the nutrients once in a week to keep it fresh. Otherwise, there will be a risk of getting disease transmission. In addition, during installation, one shouldn’t make the channels a little angular rather than making them too steep. Steepness will cause the water to run down quickly, and as a result, plants will fail to uptake the nutrients properly. 

Medium hydroponic system - Nutrient film technique

Figure 1: NFT hydroponic system 

Conditions of NFT 

  • It may take 1 hour to set up the system. 
  • You should change the water once a week. 
  • The entire installation will take approximately $85. 

Things you will need for NFT 

  • Drill machine 
  • Air pump and stone 
  • A submersible pump 
  • A water reservoir (a bucket or a basin) 
  • Clean water 
  • Water-soluble fertilizer 
  • PVC pipes 
  • Hydroponic pots/net pots 


Step – 1: Set up the reservoir and prepare the water mixed with fertilizers. After that, add an aeration bubbler at the bottom of the reservoir to supply oxygen to the water. 

Step – 2: Set up the pipes and connect all the tubes and pump. The fill tube will be attached to the submersible pump, and this pump will control the entire flow of the water across the pipes. 

Step – 3: You can drill holes to use them as the growing holes., or you can use a separate growing tray for growing your plants there. Place the pots in the holes, and the flow will deliver nutrients. 

Finally, you can also set up a light to continue the photosynthesis process even at night. 

  1. Ebb and flow system 

Ebb and flow is another medium hydroponic system that can be installed at home. It is also known as a drain and flood system. The design is quite complex compared to the NFT. The basic theory is that the water will flood the growing medium with the nutrients and then go back to the reservoir again. The submersible pump in this hydroponic system is set with a timer. When the timer begins, the pump starts filling the bed with water and nutrients, and when timer stops, the water is drained automatically out of bed and returns to the reservoir. 

The system has a proper installation procedure, which ensures that there will be no overflow and the water will not cause any damage to the plants. In the ebb and flow system, plants are exposed to both air and water, ensuring that there will be sufficient oxygen to accelerate the growth of the roots. This hydroponic system is a popular medium hydroponic system among farmers. 

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Figure 2: Ebb and flow hydroponic system 

Conditions of Ebb and Flow system 

  • It may take about an hour to install the system 
  • You will have to refresh the solution once in a week 
  • The installation will cost around $75 

Things you will need for Ebb and flow system 

  • Tubes 
  • A submersible pump 
  • Timer 
  • Water reservoir 
  • Water and fertilizer 
  • Growing tray 
  • Net pots 


Step – 1: Prepare the solution by mixing fertilizers. The reservoir should be placed below the tray, and you should change the water every week to maintain the water quality and to prevent disease. 

Step – 2: In this step, you will connect all the tubes with the reservoirs. Connect the tube with the submersible pump and set a timer. It will automatically control the flow of water. 

Step – 3: In this step, you will use perlite, vermiculite, and other growing media in the net pots to provide nutrients and water. 

If you want to continue the photosynthesis process, you can set up lights. 

  1. Aeroponics 

Aeroponics is one of the most common and safest medium hydroponic systems. In this system, you will use nutrient-filled mist instead of water. The roots will be exposed to this mist, which will supply the water and nutrients. To install this system, you have to set up a close framework, where this mist will travel thoroughly. This hydroponic system has a lot of benefits because there will be less chance to spread disease or pathogens. Besides, water can be efficiently used to provide moisture. The design of this system is similar to NFT, but the main difference is – in this system, the nutrient-filled mist will be sprayed. This system will ensure the availability of oxygen, air, and nutrients at the same time. 

Medium hydroponic system - aeroponics

Figure 3: Aeroponics – hydroponic system 

Conditions of Aeroponics 

  • It may take around an hour to install the system 
  • You should change the water once every week 
  • The installation cost is around $100 

Things you will need for Aeroponics system 

  • Drill 
  • Air stone 
  • A submersible pump 
  • Sprayer 
  • Spray tube 
  • Water reservoir 
  • Water and fertilizer 
  • PVC pipes 
  • Net pots 


Step – 1: In this step, you will set up the water reservoir by using the air stones and pump. Add the aeration bubbler at the bottom of the reservoir to supply oxygen. 

Step – 2: In this step, you will connect the submersible pump to the mister or sprayer. This sprayer will spray the nutrient-filled mist to the growing chamber. 

Step – 3: The design is similar to the NFT because you will need to set up the channels for every seedling and their roots. 

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