Balamb Gardens growing for profit,guide to growing,microgreens How to Grow Microgreens in Small Systems

How to Grow Microgreens in Small Systems

Microgreens these days are very popular for small gardeners, and there are various reasons for it. Firstly, these tiny and beautiful vegetables are very easy to grow. Secondly, anyone can grow microgreens in small systems. Yes, it is true. Because of this reason, thousands of people are now growing microgreens for profit or commercial purposes. You don’t need a vast area to grow these plants. You can simply grow microgreens in a tray. The last reason is that these microgreens can grow super-fast and it may take 10 days (on average) to harvest them. Microgreens are loaded with energy and nutrient. There are lots of microgreens loaded with nutrients.

Grow microgreens in small systems

Microgreens can be grown hydroponically, in a tray, in a container, or even in a garden. In this post, we will discuss the guideline to grow these tiny plants in a small growing system. People often think that growing microgreens can cost a huge amount of money, which is wrong. It can be an excellent idea for urban residents who don’t have a garden or enough space to grow these beautiful and tiny vegetables.

Figure 1: Grow microgreens in small systems.

If you want to grow microgreens in small systems, you will require a few things.

  • A tray (10×20 inches)
  • Seeds
  • Light
  • Water
  • Growing medium
  • Spray bottle

So, let’s dive deeper. We will discuss the guidelines step by step.

Step-1: To start you can buy some microgreen seeds. While buying the seeds, make sure that they are free of any pesticides or harmful chemicals. Also, don’t forget to notice the expiry date. While purchasing the seeds, it is better to get a spray bottle if you don’t have one. Some microgreens prefer growing hydroponically, and some prefer growing in soils.

Step-2: The seeds are ready. Now, it is time to check the seeds. Search for the pre-requirements to germinate them. Some seeds need to be pre-soaked for 12 hours, while others need 6 hours. Depending on the demand, you need to soak the seeds before moving them.

Step-3: While the seeds are in the water, it is time to prepare the growing medium. To grow microgreens in soil, it is wise to use those soils that can retain water. In this case, it’s suggest you mix compost, vermicompost, decomposed cowdung, or other organic fertilizers with soil to improve its quality. Organic manure will help the soil to absorb and retain more water. Never use sandy soil to grow microgreens as these soils can’t retain water. Always remember that – water is essential for seed germination. So, if the growing medium doesn’t have water, the sprout will never achieve enough energy to break the seed coat. Place the mixed soil on the tray.

Step- 4: Once the tray and seeds are ready, you can transfer the soil’s seeds. Spray the growing medium every day with little water. You should be careful in this stage because too much water can cause the seeds to rot. Most of the seeds will germinate within 2 days, and the tiny vegetables should be harvested after 10 days.

Some common varieties are grown widely across the planet, and among them – amaranth, beets, basil, broccoli, cabbage, kale, lettuce, mustard, peas, radish, spinach are the healthiest microgreens.

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